DEAR FRIEND My name is Mrs. Miriam Abdullah former wife of director of petroleum in Benghazi, I wish to inform you that I lost my husband with my three kids was killed on July 15th 2011 by the forces of president Ghadafi by a bomb attack, as my husband was not in support of his government regime. I will like you to keep every thing about this matter confidential between both of us and help me. My husband has in possession US$165,000,000 million (one hundred and sixty five million United States dollars) which he save during his service Please I want to move this fund to your company for you to assist me invest the money as I do not want to continue my stay in Libya anymore as I am left alone in this world please there is alot of ongoing scam all over the world so i am trying to be very careful if you are interested in helping please be honest with me and get back to me with your full information so that i can forward it to the security company where the fund is for you to contact for final conclusion please respond to my email immediately for your help Mrs. Miriam Abdullah
Eine wirklich rührende Geschichte. Muss ich zu diesen E-Mails noch etwas sagen? Der arabische Frühling bekommt seine eigene Lybien-Spam. Wer 165 Millionen ($ oder €) besitzt, braucht Helfer nicht per Mail in aller Welt suchen und weiß, wie seine Freunde oder Feinde heißen.
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